Admin Office Line: 01223 854100
Patient Appointment Line: 0330 0130 030

“Protecting General Practice, Developing Primary Care”

Extended GP Opening Hours in the evenings and at weekends
Evening and weekend appointments to see a GP, Nurse, Health Care Assistant or Phlebotomist are available to all patients in Cambridge, Royston and surrounding villages.
Your GP practice is offering evening and weekend appointments at a hub in your area.
The hubs are:
Level 2,
Clay Farm Centre,
Hobson Square.
0330 0130 030
How do I book?
You can book an appointment through the GP receptionist at the surgery where you are registered who will give you the time, date and venue for your appointment. These are for non-urgent, routine appointments only. If you feel you need to be seen urgently on that day, please ask your own surgery to arrange to see you.
You will be given a choice on when you would like to book your appointment and information on where to go.
Services we can offer within the Enhanced Access are -
- GP Consultations
- Advanced Nurse Practitioner consultations
- Nurse appointments offering dressings, asthma and diabetes reviews, contraception reviews, etc
- Health Care Assistant appointments offering wound care, blood test, etc
- Phlebotomy: Routine blood tests are available within our Enhanced Access Clinics
- Cervical Screening
Please note that your consent for our clinician to view your medical record will be required in order for an appointment to be booked for you.
If urgent care is required please call ‘111’ for further advice. If your need is life threatening, please go to A&E or call 999.
For support with the management of minor ailments, please contact your local pharmacist or visit the NHS Choices website
Patients who cannot be seen
- Patients identified with a potentially life-threatening medical condition which required referral to urgent or emergency care settings
- Walk-in patients
How do I change or cancel my appointment?
To change or cancel your evening or weekend appointment, please call
0330 0130 030
If you have any questions about the service, please email